FiSTB started in 2012  to visit universities to support software testing education and career. Best thesis award on software testing was introduced in 2016. Students can also get discounts for ISTQB certificates, e.g. 50% discount on foundation level certificate. For more information see ISTQB® certification exams.

Thesis award

FiSTB awards annually a best Thesis on Software Testing with 500€ in the FiSTB Testing Assembly 20.11.2025. Criteria for the thesis to be accepted as candidate is:

  1. Thesis that promotes testing, testers and testing as a profession in an exemplary way.
  2. Any approved thesis starting from lower university degree upwards in Finland (AMK, candidate/bachelor)
  3. Thesis is approved during 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2025

Register your thesis by 31.10.2025 by email: info (at) Include following information:

  • School
  • Name of thesis
  • Abstract
  • Link to thesis, e.g. Theseus
  • Author(s)


Other thesis

If you know any good theses, let us know: info (at)